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Deadline to Comment: Draft for Listing Methodology for Determining Water Quality Impairments
June 19, 2015
Deadline for comments on the PROPOSED DRAFT for LISTING METHODOLOGY for DETERMINING WATER QUALITY IMPAIRMENTS FROM PETROLEUM, HYDROCARBONS, OIL AND GREASE. Every two years DEC submits an Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report to the US Environmental Protection Agency on the health of Alaska’s waters. This Integrated Report, includes the list of polluted waters known as the “impaired waters list” as required under Clean Water Act Section 303(d). The draft listing methodology describes the process DEC will use to add or remove a water from Alaska’s impaired waters list. A listing methodology provides guidance to DEC staff and stakeholders with water quality monitoring projects on (1) how DEC recommends collecting data to assess pollution in state waters and (2) how DEC determines whether or not waters are exceeding water quality standards and should be considered impaired (i.e. polluted). Alaska’s draft listing methodology for petroleum hydrocarbons is available at http://dec.alaska.gov/water/