Latest Past Events

NFF Matching Grants to Enhance the National Forest System

January 14 Deadline for applications for MATCHING GRANTS to ENHANCE the NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM from the NATIONAL FOREST FOUNDATION The Foundation’s Matching Awards Program (MAP) provides grants to nonprofit organizations, universities, and Native American tribes throughout the U.S. to engage in on-the-ground conservation and restoration projects that have an immediate, quantifiable impact on the […]

Strategies for Strengthening Alaska Native Village Roles in Natural Resource Management

January 5, 2015; 10:00 – 11:15 am AKT – Strategies for Strengthening Alaska Native Village Roles in Natural Resource Management Presentation by Barrett Ristroph, Ph.D. Student, University of Hawaii Pacific Policy Director, Pacific Environment.Unlike tribes in other U.S. jurisdictions, Alaska's tribes do not have sovereignty (or direct ownership in many cases) over their traditional lands […]