Latest Past Events

NFF Matching Grants to Enhance the National Forest System

January 14 Deadline for applications for MATCHING GRANTS to ENHANCE the NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM from the NATIONAL FOREST FOUNDATION The Foundation’s Matching Awards Program (MAP) provides grants to nonprofit organizations, universities, and Native American tribes throughout the U.S. to engage in on-the-ground conservation and restoration projects that have an immediate, quantifiable impact on the […]

EPA Brownfields Assessment & Cleanup

The Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act (“Brownfields Law”, P.L. 107-118) requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to publish guidance to assist applicants in preparing proposals for grants to assess and clean up brownfield sites. EPA’s Brownfields Program provides funds to empower states, communities, tribes, and nonprofits to prevent, inventory, assess, clean […]

NFWF: Developing the Next Generation of Conservationists

Deadline for applications for the NATIONAL FISH and WILDLIFE FOUNDATION: DEVELOPING the NEXT GENERATION of CONSERVATIONISTS to connect youth to the outdoors by providing support for conservation employment programs. This initiative brings together public and private partners to support those organizations that are developing innovative conservation job opportunities for youth (aged 16-25 years old) on […]