Search our database for resources and reports on watershed management and restoration activities in the region. These resources were produced by a variety of regional experts, including SAWC staff, partners, and agencies.  


ADF&G Super 8 ConstructionJordan Creek, Super 8, Juneau1983Landscaping restoration recomendations for the Super 8 Hotel.
ADF&G Memorandum, Juneau Airport Diesel Spill Trip ReportJuneau Airport, Jordan Creek2019Alaska Seaplanes diesel oil spil at the airport report.
ADF&G Memorandum, Jordan Creek Timber Bridge RemovalJordan Creek, Super 8, Juneau2019Removal of failing timber bridge near the Super 8 Hotel.
ADF&G Fish Habitat Permit FH18-I-0061, Jordan Creek Dredging, ADOTJordan Creek, Juneau2018Approval of 2018 dredging project in Jordan Creek.
ADF&G Memorandum, Jordan Creek RSA culvert Trip report 4/27/12Jordan Creek, Juneau2012Jordan Creek RSA culvert report to regional supervisor.
Jordan Creek Waterbody AssessmentJordan Creek, Juneau2002Assessment of Jordan Creek for CBJ Engineering Department.
Baseline Characteristics of Jordan Creek, USGSJordan Creek, Juneau2004Baseline study of water quality characteristics of Jordan Creek.
ADEC Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Residue in Waters of Jordan Creek in Juneau, AlaskaJordan Creek2005Assessment of debris impairment in Jordan Creek.
ADEC Duck and Jordan Creek Protection and RecoveryJordan Creek, Duck Creek, Juneau2005Evaluation of effects of urban development on Duck and Jordan Creek.
ADEC Jordan Creek Watershed Recovery and Management PlanJordan Creek, Juneau2006Recovery and future management plan for Jordan Creek.
ADEC NPS Watershed Protection and Recovery for Jordan Creek, Juneau, AKJordan Creek2006Monitoring effort to characterize the water quality of Jordan Creek.
USGS Hydrology and Flood Profiles of Duck Creek and Jordan Creek Downstream from Egan Drive, Juneau, AlaskaJordan Creek, Duck Creek, Egan Drive2006Updated hydrologic profiles for Duck and Jordan Creek.
ADF&G Use of Three Microhabitats by Juvenile Coho Salmon in Jordan Creek During the Winter 2004-2005Jordan Creek, Juneau2007A study of three specific over wintering habitats for Coho Salmon in Jordan Creek.
ADEC, JWP ATV Trail Mapping in Jordan Creek WatershedJordan Creek, Juneau2007Characterization of ATV use near the upper reaches of Jordan Creek.
ADF&G Coho Salmon Smolt Production, Adult Harvest, and Escapement from Jordan and Duck Creeks, Southeast Alaska, 2002-2003Jordan Creek, Duck Creek, Juneau2007Summarization of counts and biological characteristics of emigrating Coho Salmon smolts.
ADF&G Coho Salmon Smolt Production, Adult Harvest, and Escapement from Jordan and Duck Creeks, Southeast Alaska, 2003–2005Jordan Creek, Duck Creek, Juneau2008Ongoing study, Summarization of counts and biological characteristics of emigrating Coho Salmon smolts.
ADF&G Coho Salmon Smolt Production, Adult Harvest, and Escapement in Jordan and Duck Creeks, Southeast Alaska, 2005-2006Jordan Creek, Duck Creek, Juneau2009Ongoing study, Summarization of counts and biological characteristics of emigrating Coho Salmon smolts.
JWP for CBJ, 2009 Jordan Creek Water Quality ReportJordan Creek, Juneau2009JWP long-term monitoring program aims to characterize the water quality of Jordan Creek and compare to AK state standards to evaluate the effects of current projects on in-stream sediment concentrations.
USEPA Approval of the Jordan Creek Sediment and Interstital Dissolved Oxygen TMDLJordan Creek, Juneau2009EPA approval of ADEC's recommendations for TMDLs in Jordan Creek.
JWP 2010 Jordan Creek Water Quality ReportJordan Creek, Juneau2010Juneau Watershed Partnership's 2010 report of ongoing water quality conditions in Jordan Creek.
Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund Project Completion ReportSoutheast Alaska2011Report of the success of sustaining and enhancing anadromous fish habitat in streams in Southeast Alaska.
Salmon and Salmon Habitat Surveys in Prioritized Waters of Southeast Alaska (2001-2003)Southeast Alaska, Black Bear Creek, Big (108) Creek, Soda Creek, Warm Chuck Creek, Ford Arm, Nakwasina River, Cape Yakataga, Jordan Creek, Montana Creek, Peterson Creek, Pleasant Bay, Petersburg Creek, Prince Of Wales Island, POW, Heeta Island, Baranof Island, Icy Bay, Juneau, Douglas Island, Admiralty Island, Kupreanof Island2012Study of salmonoid distirbution and landscape/habitat patterns in prioirty Southeast Alaska watersheds.
Under-thunder reconnaissanceThunder Mountain, Juneau2012Report looking for potential locations of enhancement under Thunder Mountain.
Jordan Creek Water Quality Report, 2003-2013Jordan Creek, Juneau2013Report summarizing the ten-years of water quality data for Jordan Creek.
Saving Jordan CreekJordan Creek, Juneau2015Juneau Empire Newspaper article on restoration activities in Jordan Creek.
USFWS Stormwater in the Lower Jordan Creek WatershedJordan Creek, Juneau2015Stormwater maps and recomendations for managing stormwater to improve habitat and water quality in Jordan Creek.
JWP, SAWC, Edward K. Thomas Building Jordan Creek Green Infrastructure Project Final ReportJordan Creek, Juneau2016Report of BMP construction for the Edward K. Thomas Building
JWP, SAWC, Edward K. Thomas Building Jordan Creek Green Infrastructure Project Photo LogJordan Creek, Juneau2016Photo log for the Edwark K. Thomas Building BMP project.
ADF&G Duck Creek Realignment Monitoring, 2012-2016
Final Report
Duck Creek, Juneau2017Report on the efficiency and stability of the Duck Creek realignment for the Juneau Airport.
JWP, SAWC, Final Jordan Creek Watershed Recovery and Management PlanJordan Creek, Juneau2018Report that builds on previous plans for continued Jordan Creek Watershed management.
JWP, SAWC, Final Lower Jordan Creek Riparian AssessmentJordan Creek, Juneau2018Report outlining riparian needs for lower Jordan Creek as development continues over time.
NFWF, Final Programmatic Report NarrativeJordan Creek, Juneau2020The Jordan Creek Greenbelt Restoration and Stewardship Project fostered public land stewardship, provided nature-based education opportunities for youth, connected underserved community members to nature, improved recreation infrastructure and opportunities, and restored fish and wildlife habitat.
Bosworth Botanical Consulting, US Army Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination for: The City and Bourough of Juneau & Mendenhall Watershed Partnership Jordan Creek Channel RehabilitationJordan Creek, Juneau2008Project goal is to rehabilitate part of Jordan Creek by removing some of the recently deposited sediment and restoring the original creek channel and side sloughs.
Bosworth Botanical Consulting, US Army Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination for: The City and Bourough of Juneau & Mendenhall Watershed Partnership Jordan Creek Sediment Retention PondsJordan Creek, Juneau2008Proposal to install retention ponds on Jordan Creek tributary.
JWP, Get to Know Jordan CreekJordan Creek, Juneau2007Fact sheet for Jordan Creek Watershed.
JWP, Project Proposal First National Bank Stormwater Management and Riparian Zone EnhancementJordan Creek, Juneau2009Proposal of different options to better manage stormwater runoff from the First National Bank site.
UAA, DEC Testing Alaska's macroinvertebrate- and diatom-based stream condition indices in select urbanized streamsJordan Creek, Juneau, Mat-Su Valley, Mendenhall Valley2010The objective of the current study is to further test the effectiveness of the biological monitoring indices on selected urbanized streams in the Mat-Su Valley and in Juneau’s Mendenhall Valley.
ENVIRONAID, ADF&G, Review of Information concerning Sockeye Spawning Habitats in Auke LakeAuke Lake, Juneau, Lake Creek1987A review of field study information in regards to spawning habitat in Auke Lake.
Nelson paper, Movements of Radio-tagged sockeye salmon in Auke LakeAuke Lake, Juneau1993Study tracking the fate of tagged Sockeye Salmon between 1991 and 1992.
AFS, ADF&G, Distribution of Mature Sea-Run Cutthroat Trout Overwintering in Auke Lake and Lake Eva in Southeastern AlaskaAuke Lake, Juneau, Southeast Alaska1997Research project investigating the life history, range, and migration patters of sea-run cutthroat trout to improve fishery management in Southeast Alaska.
ADF&G, Dolly Varden and Cutthroat Trout Populations in Auke Lake,Southeast Alaska, during 1999Auke Lake, Juneau2000Summary report of weir counts and biological charateristics of Dolly Varden and cutthroat trout at Auke Creek in 1999.
Kean and Associates, UA, CBJ, Hill 560 conceptual design planAuke Lake, Juneau2001Map showing conceptual plan for developing Hill 560.
ADFG, Summary of Auke Creek Weir Data, Auke Creek Instream Flow Reservation AdjudicationAuke Lake, Juneau, Auke Creek2006Auke Creek Weir data from 1963.
DNR, Memorandum, Auke Lake Trail Fish TrappingAuke Lake, Juneau2007Upgrade proposal to widen Auke Lake trail.
Bosworth Botanical Consulting, DOWL HKM, Hill 560- Wetland Delineation and Functional AnalysisAuke Lake, Juneau2009Report to support CBJ devlelopment plan for hill 560.
JWP, Auke Lake Watershed AssesmentAuke Lake, Juneau2009Overview report of watershed baseline for Auke Lake Watershed.
ADF&G, Memorandum, Glacier Hwy TrailAuke Lake, Juneau, Glacier Highway2010A project documenting fish use along Auke Lake Trail.
JWP, Auke Lake Watershed Action PlanAuke Lake, Juneau2010This action plan is a continuation of the Auke Lake Watershed assesment and makes specific recommendations for the continued sustainable management and use of the watershed’s natural resources.
USFWS, Distribution and Habitat Use of Adult Sockeye
Salmon in the Auke Lake Watershed
Auke Lake, Juneau2014A study of sockeye salmon spawning habitat use and spread in Auke Lake Watershed.
Ray, USFWS, Prespawning Movements and Spawning Distribution of Sockeye Salmon in an Urbanizing Alaskan LakeAuke Lake, Juneau2015A stduy showing the prespawning and spawning behavior by Auke Lake sockeye salmon suggest that discrete lake staging areas and stream spawning beds are important candidate habitats for protection during the land planning process for shoreline development surrounding the lake.
ADF&G, Memorandum, Auke Lake Tributary
Trip Report
Auke Lake, Juneau2016Report confriming presence of salmon in a specific reach of a tributary of auke lake.
NOAA, Auke Lake Salmon StudyAuke Lake, Juneau1992NOAA study showing that most spawning for sockeye salmon occurs in Auke Lake.
Carstensen, Auke Lake Intreptive PanelsAuke Lake, JuneauIntrpetation panels describing the area and history of Auke Lake and Auke Lake Trail.
USKH Inc. AKDOT, Auke Bay Corridor StudyAuke Bay, Juneau2003DOT&PF contracted with USKH, Inc. (USKH) to define the study area and identify alternatives that provide a safer, more efficient, multi-modal transportation system for the area surved around Auke Bay.
Dredge Creek Coho and The Impact of BeaversDredge Creek, Juneau2014Beaver ponds add summer coho rearing habitat in Dredge Creek. At least as important, by increasing water temperature and slowing stream velocity, beaver dams improve the winter survival of coho salmon in Dredge Creek.
Water Quality of Analysis of Duck Creek, submitted to DECDuck Creek, Mendenhall Valley, Juneau1973Intial proposal to start monitoring and study of Duck Creek.
Vegetation Mapping of lower Duck Creek, and comments on proposed channel relocation, CarstensenDuck Creek, Juneau1995Maps of vegetation along Duck Creek.
Duck Creek Water Watch, Discovery FoundationDuck Creek, Juneau1995Discovery Foundation's educational watershed project reporting on Duck Creek watershed.
Hydrologic Investigation of Duck Creek at the Juneau International Airport, Juneau, Alaska, ADNRDuck Creek, Juneau International Airport, Juneau1995Study of Duck Creek flow, water quality, and substrate conditions.
Duck Creek Watershed Management Plan, NOAADuck Creek, Juneau1999This Plan is about improving the Duck Creek watershed, but it is also a "wake-up call" to Alaskans about their need to maintain healthy aquatic habitat to protect their salmon heritage.
Evaluation of a Method for Removing Iron Floc to Restore Anadromous Fish Habitat in Duck Creek, Alaska, NFWFDuck Creek, Juneau2000Method to remove Iron Floc from Duck Creek to improve salmon habitat withing the waterway.
Duck Creek BioassessmentDuck Creek, Juneau2005This report summarizes the results of an invertebrate bioassessment on Duck Creek at Taku Boulevard and Aspen Avenue in the spring and summer of 2005.
Duck and Jordan Creek Protection and Recovery, ADECDuck Creek, Jordan Creek, Juneau, Alaska2005A comprehensive water quality study was conducted from September 2004 through June 2005 in the Mendenhall Valley to assess the current state of water quality and the effectiveness of ongoing restoration projects in Jordan and Duck Creeks.
Watershed Protection and Recovery for Duck Creek, Juneau, AK, ADECDuck Creek, Juneau, Alaska2006The purpose of this monitoring effort was to characterize the water quality of Duck Creek in the Mendenhall Watershed, to compare the water quality to Alaska state standards, to evaluate the effects of urbanization in the watershed (e.g. road salt inputs), and to track water quality in Duck Creek above and below the wetlands that are currently being constructed.
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Bioassessments in Jordan Creek and Duck Creek, Juneau, Alaska, JWPJordan Creek, Duck Creek, Juneau, Alaska2007The objectives of the 2007 biomonitoring effort were to: 1) assess additional sites on each stream to provide more baseline information for evaluating natural and anthropogenic impacts and the effects of future watershed and instream restoration projects on the streams and 2) compare macroinvertebrate community metrics to those from reference (unimpaired) and urbanized streams in the region.
Duck Creek Realignment Monitoring, 2012-2016 Final Report, ADF&GDuck Creek2017The purpose of this technical report is to summarize monitoring conducted to evaluate the stability and function of the Duck Creek realignment between 2012–2016.
Duck Creek Restoration Assessment Report, JWPDuck Creek, Juneau2007This report serves to identify the restoration projects that have been conducted and, based on current water quality data, assess the restoration progress on Duck Creek.
Threemile Creek Restoration Opportunities, SAWCThreemile Creek, Klawock Lake Watershed, Prince of Wales (POW)2019The Threemile Creek sub-watershed is focused on here because this stream has been heavily impacted and was historically one of the most important spawning streams in the Klawock Lake Watershed.
Geologic Map of Annette Island, USGSAnnette Island1972Geologic survey of Annette Island, Alaska by Henry C. Berg for the USGS.
Annette Island Geologic MapAnnette Island1972Geologic map of Annette Island.
Annette Islands Coastal Zone Management ProgramAnnette Island1979Data and recommendations for the management of the Annette Islands.
Noxious Weed and Invasive Species Management Plan, Environmental Assessment on Annette Islands Reserve 2017-2022Annette Island2016Evaluation of environmental impacts of the management of Noxious and Invasive Species on Annette Islands Reserve, within the Metlakatla Indian Community, and in cooperation with the USDOI-Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Annette Islands Stream Inventory, Potential Salmon Production SummaryAnnette Island1976Survey of salmon producing factors within the stream systems of Annette Island.
Upper Chilkoot Watershed Assessment, Takshanuk Watershed CouncilChilkoot River2011The objectives of this study were to map the fish distribution in the Chilkoot Watershed and describe the general condition of road access into the upper Chilkoot Watershed.
Coffman Creek Habitat Assessment, Prince of Wales Island, AlaskaPrince of Wales2019Report of 2016 stream surveys conducted in Coffman Creek to assess overall stream quality and habitat health for local fish.
Cube Cove Action Plan, SAWCAdmiralty Island, Cube Cove2020Action Plan to provide Forest Service wilderness managers options for restoration of ecological/biological function and wilderness values and wilderness character in the Cube Cove area.
Dog Salmon Creek Watershed Assessment, TNCDog Salmon Creek, Prince of Wales Island2013In 2012, an initial watershed assessment of Dog Salmon Creek was initiated by TNC and SSI to collect and synthesize relevant data on the fish habitat quality of the Dog Salmon Creek watershed and recommend potential actions for maintaining, improving, and/or restoring current habitat conditions.
Dude Creek Critical Habitat Area Management Plan, ADF&GDude Creek, Gustavus2011This draft plan presents management goals for the CHA and its resources, and identifies policies to be used in determining whether proposed activities are compatible with the protection of fish and wildlife, their habitats, and public use of the CHAs.
Coffman Creek Habitat Assessment Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, Kai consulting, TNCCoffman Creek, Coffman Cove, Prince of Wales Island2019This study was undertaken to address concerns from the residents of Coffman Cove, that stream conditions in Coffman Creek were degraded and possibly impacting fish and fish habitat.
Gold Creek Delta Historic Series, Richard Carstensen, Discovery SoutheastGold Creek, Seawalk, Juneau2013Historical maps and arieal images georeferenced along the gold creek delta shoreline in preparation for construction of the Juneau Seawalk.
Biological inventory: Habitats, Fish Use, Pond Water Quality Gold Creek Delta, Juneau, Alaska, Patricia Harris for Bosworth Botanical ConsultingGold Creek, Seawalk, Juneau2013Baseline habitat information in the Gold Creek delta was gathered in summer 2013 to contribute to a functional assessment of the area and design of the City and Borough of Juneau’s Seawalk Project. This portion of the report describes habitats in general and then provides more detailed habitat information along an intertidal transect. We also report water quality and fish use of the larger tide pool and intertidal flats.
Technical Memorandum Gold Creek Seawalk Project –Basis of Coastal Engineering Design, Coast Harbor and EngineeringGold Creek, Seawalk, JuneauThis technical memorandum documents the data, assumptions, modeling, and calculations related to the coastal engineering aspect of design of the island to be created as part of the Seawalk, a project undertaken by Parks and Recreation Department of the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ).
Assessment of Functions and Compensation for the Proposed Seawalk Habitat Island near Gold Creek, Juneau, Alaska, CH2M HILLGold Creek, Seawalk, Juneau2014This Technical Memorandum summarizes an assessment of wetland functions for the existing intertidal wetlands at the location of the proposed Habitat Island as part of the Seawalk from Douglas Bridge to Gold Creek by the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ).
Preliminary Summary of Bird Survey Results: Juneau Seawalk Project Area, Pohl, Bosworth Botanical ConsultingGold Creek, Seawalk, Juneau2013Bird surveys were conducted during late April and May and are ongoing in the City and Borough of Juneau initial phase proposed Seawalk project area.
Fubar Creek Phase II Instream Restoration Project Monitoring Report 2008, USDA Forest Service, Craig Ranger DistrictFubar Creek, Gandláay Háanaa, Ketchikan2008Stream restoration was conducted on a 600 meter reach of Fubar Creek during summer 2007. This report compiles data for channel morphology and adult fish monitoring conducted in the project area.
In Alaska, a Beautiful Stream is FUBAR No More, Indian Country Media NetworkFubar Creek, Gandláay Háanaa, Ketchikan2011After an extensive rehabilitation project and a tribal renaming ceremony in late August, Fubar is now known as Gandláay Háanaa, or Beautiful Stream, in the Haida language.
CBJ Fish Creek Master PlanFish Creek, Douglas Island, Juneau2003Notice to Juneau residents for participation and comment in the Fish Creek restoration process.
Non-native invasive plants in the Eagle River State Recreation Area, Juneau Alaska,-- Survey Results and Recommendations --, John Hudson, SAWCEagle River, Juneau2019This survey targeted infestations of select invasive plant species within and adjacent to EBRA in October and November of 2018.
Wrangell Area Watersheds Assessment, SAWCWrangellThe purpose of the Wrangell Area Watersheds Assessment was to compile a dataset and report outlining key aquatic resources within the City and Borough of Wrangell, including an assessment of the current habitat condition of key aquatic resources, identification of sites that could benefit from restoration treatment, and outlining watershed management challenges and opportunities.
Kasaan Bay Watershed Management Plan, POWTEC Environmental ServicesKasaan2005The purpose of the Kasaan Bay Watershed Management Plan is to provide a framework for the Organized Village of Kasaan and the Kasaan Bay Watershed Council to work from in order to address issues of concern with the defined boundaries (section 3.0).
Prince of Wales Island Unified Watershed Assessment, POWWAPrince of Wales2014The purpose of this Unified Watershed Assessment (UWA) is to identify for member groups of the Prince of Wales Watershed Association (POWWA) their watershed based information needs by community which may be addressed by the community, with assistance from POWWA if desired, when funding becomes available.
Katlian Watershed Assesment, Sitka Ranger District, Tongass National Forest, Sitka Tribe of AlaskaKatlian, Sitka2003This assessment provides an overview of the watershed and its resources, both historic and present. This overview includes oral accounts of several local Tlingit elders and local individuals who have fi rst hand knowledge of Tlʼayáak Héen (Katlian). Furthermore, this assessment recommends restoration and management opportunities to improve stream habitat and water quality
The Hoonah Native Forest PartnershipHoonah2020The Hoonah Native Forest Partnership (HNFP) was formed in 2015. An alliance of landowners, organizations, and stakeholders advocating for the Hoonah area, the HNFP works to assess resource conditions and identify projects intended to improve fish and wildlife habitat, ensure long-term timber production, and support sustainable watershed management
North Thorne Project Area Watershed Restoration Plan,James Beard, Thorne Bay Ranger DistrictThorne Bay, Prince of Wales2011The North Thorne Project Area is a set of highly valued and ecologically diverse watersheds located in the central eastern portion of Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska.
Pullen Creek Assessment, Skagway traditional Council, ADECPullen Creek, Skagway2005Pullen Creek, located in Skagway, Alaska, is listed on Alaska’s Section of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 1996 303(d) impaired waterbody list and on the Alaska Clean Water Action (ACWA) list for heavy metal contamination.
Ketchikan Area Watersheds AssessmentKetchikan2021a reconnaissance level assessment of several Ketchikan area watersheds that are accessible from the road system in August 2019 (Fig 1). The purpose of the assessment was to identify impacting water quality, habitat for salmon and other fishes, and riparian areas.infrastructure, land use, and land development that may be negatively impacting water quality, habitat for salmon and other fishes, and riparian areas.
Fish Creek Area Planning Final ReportFish Creek, Douglas Island, Juneau2022This plan is the result of a partnership between CBJ Parks and Recreation and the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition to identify opportunities for improving habitat and recreation infrastructure in the Fish Creek Estuary Area. The area is comprised of municipal and state lands at the junction of Fish Creek and tidelands at the northwest end of Douglas Island. The municipal land is managed by the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) Parks and Recreation Department as a Natural Area Park (Fish Creek Park), while the state land is managed by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) as part of the Mendenhall Wetlands State Game Refuge. The area is bordered on two sides by private residential property and other CBJ lands.
Southeast Alaska Mushroom Cultivation StudyJuneau, Alaska2022Current and Potential Economic Impact of
Commercial Mushroom Cultivation in
Southeast Alaska
Ketchikan Area Bacteria Management PlanKetchikan, Alaska2021Various water quality data, including bacteria, metals, nutrients, and other physical and biological data have been collected in Ketchikan, Hoadley and Carlanna Creeks, and 13 recreational beaches in the Ketchikan area. risk with exposure to the water. Multiple years of high-quality fecal bacteria data exist for the beaches. Many of these locations experience elevated concentrations of fecal bacteria that are indicative of an increased health.
2017 - 2020 Ketchikan Beach Monitoring Comprehensive ReportKetchikan, Alaska2021The Alaska Beach program was initiated along the Ketchikan coastline to monitor fecal waste contamination during the 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 recreation seasons. Marine water samples were collected at 13 monitoring sites to evaluate potential health risks indicated by fecal coliform and enterococci bacteria, and to notify the public when levels exceeded state standards.
2021 Jordan Creek Water and Sediment Quality Monitoring Field ReportJordan Creek, Juneau, Alaska2021This field report presents the results of water and sediment quality monitoring conducted in the Lower Jordan Creek watershed by the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition (SAWC) from May 2019 to Jordan Creek watershed by the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition (SAWC) Sediment Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) dated April 2019.
Lower Jordan Creek Watershed Management PlanJordan Creek, Juneau, Alaska2021This watershed management plan focuses on managing and reducing sediment transport from the urban watershed area to Jordan Creek (i.e., lower watershed). Management measures that reduce urban watershed area to Jordan Creek (i.e., lower watershed). Management measures that reduce sediment transport will also reduce water and sediment-associated pollution and improve riparian sediment transport will also reduce water and sediment-associated pollution and improve riparian habitat. Additional educational and outreach activities will further benefit the watershed by encouraging residents to help steward the watershed.
Nancy Street Wetland Enhancement - Assessment of Design and ConstructionDuck Creek, Juneau2006A report on the conversion of a gravel pit on the East Fork of Duck Creek into an emergent wetland.
Inventory of Created Wetlands, Duck Creek, Juneau, Alaska
Baseline Data for Assessment of Existing Created Wetlands and Future Wetland Creation Sites
Duck Creek, Juneau2008The purpose of the partnership between the USFWS and UAS is to evaluate the efficacy of past and recent efforts at habitat restoration activities along the East Fork of Duck Creek in Juneau, Alaska. Through measurements of water quality parameters along the East Fork and assessments of wetland characteristics at the two created wetland sites, collected between 2004 and 2007, this study has shed light on the potential of remediation efforts to improve water and habitat quality. The bulk of the collected data originates from the created wetlands and thus provides direct evidence but the project has also produced baseline data from the unimproved ponds along the East Fork and that data will allow comparisons that may guide future restoration efforts in Duck Creek and similar drainages.
FINAL REPORT DUCK CREEK NANCY STREET WETLAND WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT2018The purpose of this project is to assess the effectiveness of the Nancy Street Wetland project on improving
water quality in Duck Creek. To do this, water quality samples were collected at three locations on Duck
Creek upstream, midstream and downstream of the Nancy Street wetland. The sites used in previous
monitoring efforts were monitored during this project, to allow comparison of this project’s data to
historic data, WQS, and the total maximum daily load (TMDL) target values for assessing the effectiveness
of the Nancy Street wetland enhancement project.
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Turbidity in the Waters of Duck Creek in Mendenhall Valley, AlaskaDuck Creek, Juneau1999Turbidity TMDL for Duck Creek
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
for Dissolved Oxygen and Iron in the Waters of
Duck Creek in Mendenhall Valley, Alaska
Duck Creek, Juneau2001Dissolved oxygen and iron TMDL for Duck Creek
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
for Debris in the Waters of Duck Creek in Mendenhall Valley, Alaska
Duck Creek, Juneau2000Debris TMDL for Duck Creek
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
for Fecal Coliform Bacteria in the Waters of
Duck Creek in Mendenhall Valley, Alaska
Duck Creek, Juneau2000Fecal coliform TMDL for Duck Creek
Pat Creek Watershed ReconnaisanceWrangell, Pat Creek, Alaska2015Site visits were conducted in August 2014 and March 2015 to familiarize ourselves with the watershed and to identify habitat condition and restoration opportunities. Aquatic stream habitat surveys were conducted on the 6 East and West Forks of Pat Creek to assess stream habitat conditions in areas that were harvested in the 1960s.
Hatchery Creek Watershed AssessmentHatchery Creek, Klawock, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska2024SAWC, KISFP, USFWS, and Bob Girt assessed the Hatchery Creek Sub-Watershed in 2023 - this report are the results of that assessment. Major findings include: road system in good shape; most salmon habitat NOT impacted by logging, but timber harvest next to floodplain channels in a concern; large wood should be placed in such stream reaches to restore habitat, a helicopter will be needed; small streams with hand tool restoration opportunities and riparian thinning; may need to experiment with mounds to re-establish sprice trees due to floods and high water tables.
West Forelands Landscape AssessmentYakutat, West Forelands, Situk2005The purpose of the West Forelands Landscape Assessment is to provide an ecosystem context to understand how resources and people interact in this particular landscape. The basic unit for this understand how resources and people interact in this particular landscape. analysis is the large, 5th order watershed. The Situk River is the main river in this watershed, however the Antlen and Ahrnklin Rivers are also included, as well as numerous smaller streams that drain into the Antlen and Ahrnklin Rivers are also included, as well as numerous smaller streams that drain into the Gulf of Alaska and Yakutat Bay, south of Whiskey Creek.
Watershed Stewardship Activities on Cape Fox Corporation Lands in the Whipple, Ward, and White Watersheds, Ketchikan (2022-2023)Revillagigedo Island, Ketchikan2024Watershed assessment and stewardship accomplishments and findings in 2022 and 2023.
Ketchikan Creeks: Stormwater Quality AssessmentKetchikan2014Physical and chemical characteristics and the biotic community were sampled from three streams within the urban boundaries of Ketchikan, Alaska to assess potential impacts to water quality due to urban development and stormwater runoff.
The Structure and Stratigraphy of Gravina And Revillagigedo Islands, Alaska1916The Structure and Stratigraphy of Gravina And Revillagigedo Islands, Alaska
Gustavus Ditching and Drainage StudyGustavus1987A hydrological study to help address flooding and potential water quality quality problems
Gustavus Plant Communities: Their Composition, History, and Use by Fish, Wildlife, and PeopleGustavus2003Gustavus Plant Communities: Their Composition, History, and Use by Fish, Wildlife, and People
Annette Islands Management PlanAnnette IslandThe Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition (SAWC), in partnership with the Metlakatla Department of Fish and Wildlife (MIC-DFW), assessed watersheds across Annette Islands Reserve (AIR). The purpose of the assessment was to identify land uses, land development, infrastructure, climate, and other factors that may be negatively impacting aquatic habitats for salmon or other fish species, water quality, wildlife habitat, and overall watershed health and function.
Auke Bay Corridor StudyAuke Bay, Juneau2003Evaluate transportation systems and social and environmental conditions, address anticipated development
Auke Lake Community College Land-Water InvestigationAuke Bay, Juneau
Review of Information Concerning Sockeye Spawning Habitats in Auke LakeAuke Bay, Juneau1987Information review and recommendations
Movements of Radiotagged Sockeye Salmon in Auke LakeAuke Bay, Juneau1993A description of sockeye salmon movements from time of release at the weir until death on the spawning grounds
Dolly Varden and Cutthroat Trout Populations in Auke Lake, Southeast Alaska, during 1999Auke Bay, Juneau2000A study of the size, species, and direction of movement of fish into and out of the watershed
Hill 560 Conceptual Development PlanJuneau2001Map
Auke Lake Watershed AssessmentJuneau, Auke Bay2009Compilation of existing data to identify data gaps and provide recommendations for further studies
Distribution and Habitat Use of Adult Sockeye Salmon in the Auke Lake WatershedJuneau, Auke Bay2014
Prespawning Movements and Spawning Distribution of Sockey Salmon in an Urbanizing Alaskan LakeJuneau, Auke Bay2015
Auke Lake Habitat Bench RestorationJuneau, Auke Bay2018as-built designs
Auke Lake Sockeye Salmon Study - SynopsisJuneau, Auke BayA study of the distribution of spawning sockeye in the watershed
Auke Bay, Auke Lake, and the Auke Lake TrailJuneau, Auke Baynatural history interpretive panel by Richard Carstensen
Hill 560 Wetland Delineation and Functional AnalysisJuneau2009