Quick Access Links
This suite provides information on watershed and other assessments and on-the-ground projects across Southeast Alaska. It also contains a variety of layers to help inform the user of current environmental conditions in the region.
The suite consists of a web map with linked data layers and an interactive web mapping application.
An important part of this initiative was inventorying past, current, and future watershed projects around Southeast Alaska. If you have a past project that needs to be added, please submit using this google form. Likewise, if you have a future project that should be added, use this google form.
This web map, housed in ArcGIS online, is designed as a repository of base data layers, prioritization schema, and regional projects to help the user locate and prioritize watershed restoration projects.
This is a great resource to quickly find, view, and compare data layers and locate feature services to use in local projects within ArcGIS online or ArcGIS Pro.
Khrystl Brouillette
GIS Specialist