Working Together for Healthy Watersheds

Partnerships are key to SAWC’s success and integral to our strategy. Our work is important because healthy watersheds are the lifeblood of our region’s communities, economies, and way of life. In an island archipelago with communities scattered over 35,000 square miles, we are most impactful when partnering with local tribes, communities, and government agencies.

SAWC works collaboratively with Community Forest Partnerships, local watershed groups, government agencies, and tribal natural resource programs to steward our region’s watersheds. We magnify our impact by bolstering the capacity of communities to implement local and collaborative approaches to watershed stewardship.

Gunalchéesh to all our partners.  Our work would not be possible without you.  

Sharing knowledge between partners is paramount to how we work across the region. Photo: Connor Meyer

Many hands make light work – we engage community, state, and federal partners to make projects successful. 

Peer-to-peer mentorship allows us to share capacity and develop staff member and partner skills. Photo: Connor Meyer