Biofiltration Keeps Pollutants Out of Streams

Snowmelt and rainwater wash harmful pollutants from impermeable urban surfaces into streams that support fish and other aquatic life in many urban areas of Southeast Alaska.

We design and construct green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), like swales and infiltration basins, to capture pollutants before urban runoff flows into streams.

John Hudson
Restoration Biologist

Suspended sediment in stormwater, along with heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons that adhere to it, is harmful to aquatic life.

A biofiltration swale designed to trap stormwater pollutants before they can reach Jordan Creek in Juneau, Alaska.

Small dams in ditches impound runoff to trap pollutants that would otherwise flow into salmon streams.

Check out the video to see GSI

in action in Juneau  
