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AK Watchable Wildlife Conservation Trust Grant
March 14, 2014
The Alaska Watchable Wildlife Conservation Trust was established in 1991, by the Alaska Conservation Foundation (ACF) in cooperation with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). Each year, ACF makes small grants from the Trust to support those projects that most effectively enhance sustainable wildlife viewing, promote wildlife education and conserve the biological diversity of Alaska.
Applicants for Alaska Watchable Wildlife Conservation Trust grants must meet the following criteria:
- Be a non-profit organization
- Be based in Alaska, or have an Alaska-based program
- Focus operations within Alaska
- If a current ACF grantee, be in good standing with required grant report
Eligible projects/costs include:
- Interpretation (e.g. signage, viewing guides, media programming)
- Wildlife education (e.g. curriculum development or publication development and distribution)
- Trail construction and maintenance
- Facilities construction
- Research (e.g. ecosystem research or research on the social and economic values of watching wildlife)
- Acquisition of critical wildlife habitats