On February 28th, the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalitionās Aquatic Resource Mitigation Coordinator will facilitate a meeting in Haines to discuss community wetlands identification and planning with a local advisory committee. The meeting is hosted by the Chilkoot...
Yakutat’s 6th grade students joined with the US Forest Service and the City and Borough of Yakutat to promote conservation of wetlands and gain experience in wetlands science and research occurring within their community. Yakutat Wetlands from Sarah...
The State of Alaska includes approximately 63% of the nation’s wetland ecosystems (Hall et al. 1994). Estimates place the total acreage at approximately 130 million acres or about one-third of the State. Wetlands help maintain water quality by slowly filtering...
Wetland Ecosystm Service Protocal for Southeast Alaska On Friday May 18th, 2012 SAWC partnered with Dr.Paul Adamus to provide a intorductiory level class to the Haines Community of the WESPAK-SE. Thank you to the class participants and the Haines Public Library!!...