Funding Opportunity: Northern Boundary and Transboundary Rivers Restoration & Enhancement Fund

Funding Opportunity: Northern Boundary and Transboundary Rivers Restoration & Enhancement Fund

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
Northern Boundary and Transboundary Rivers Restoration & Enhancement Fund Call for Proposals for the 2014 Project Year   Proposals are due August 25, 2013   The Northern Fund Committee operates within the mandate established for it in the 1999 Agreement between Canada and the United States under the Pacific Salmon Treaty (PST). The mandate states that the Northern Fund shall be employed as a long-term and stable monetary base that supports projects that assist stocks and fisheries covered under the Pacific Salmon Treaty. It specifies that the proceeds from the Northern Fund shall be used to support the following types of activities:   Development of improved information for resource management, including better stock assessment, data acquisition and improved scientific understanding of limiting factors affecting salmon production in the freshwater and…
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Funding Opportunity: AK Sustainable Salmon Fund CFP

Funding Opportunity: AK Sustainable Salmon Fund CFP

Events, Trainings & Opportunities
    The Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund has issued a Call For Proposals with a deadline of August 28th, 2013   AKSSF staff is offering a webinar on July 30th (9:00 – 11:00 a.m.) to help applicants understand AKSSF proposal development and the project selection processes.   To join this webinar please contact Terry Tavel -; 907-465-6117   The categories for High Priority Objective project funding in the Southeast Alaska region are:   Goal 1: Habitat – Projects proposed under this goal must contribute to the conservation of salmon or steelhead habitat. Goal 2: Stock Assessment – Projects proposed under this goal must contribute to management of salmon or steelhead populations utilized for subsistence.   See below or follow the buttons for more detailed information on this CFP and SE High Priority Objective project funding: [button…
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Community Capacity and Land Stewardship Grant Program Opportunity

Community Capacity and Land Stewardship Grant Program Opportunity

The deadline to apply for the National Forest Foundation's Southeast Alaska Community Capacity and Land Stewardship Grant Program has been extended to April 19, 2013     Through this Community Capacity Land Stewardship (CCLS) grant program, the NFF is administering USDA agency funds to provide capacity building support for local collaborative efforts that work toward achieving watershed restoration objectives within the geographic focus areas. The purpose of this grant program is to provide the tools and support necessary to achieve watershed and landscape scale restoration while also furthering goals that contribute to the economic sustainability of communities. The NFF has partnered with USDA agencies and other partners in the Pacific Northwest to create and implement this innovative capacity building grant program in support of collaboratives and community-based organizations throughout the…
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