

The Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund has issued a Call For Proposals with a deadline of August 28th, 2013


AKSSF staff is offering a webinar on July 30th (9:00 – 11:00 a.m.) to help applicants understand AKSSF proposal development and the project selection processes.  

To join this webinar please contact Terry Tavel  theresa.tavel@alaska.gov907-465-6117


The categories for High Priority Objective project funding in the Southeast Alaska region are:


Goal 1: Habitat Projects proposed under this goal must contribute to the conservation of salmon or steelhead habitat.

Goal 2: Stock Assessment Projects proposed under this goal must contribute to management of salmon or steelhead populations utilized for subsistence.


See below or follow the buttons for more detailed information on this CFP and SE High Priority Objective project funding:

More information on the Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund  SEAK High Priority Funding Information  CFP Information


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