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Stewardship Contracting Webinar
July 24, 2014 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Stewardship ContractingOverview, Updates, and Examples |
Thursday, July 24, 2014 | 2:00-3:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time |
Stewardship contracts and agreements are being used more and more as important mechanisms for achieving on-the-ground results on Forest Service lands. The Forest Service’s partners are essential to setting up and using these important restoration instruments. In this peer learning session, which is geared towards the agency’s partner organizations, Megan Roessing from the Forest Management staff at the Washington Office will first provide an overview of the stewardship authority and the different mechanisms available to use. Next, Tim Dougherty (Idaho Forest Group), Jim Innes (Northern Region Stewardship Coordinator), and Teresa Raaf (Forest Supervisor on the Malheur National Forest) will discuss more specific examples of integrated resource timber contracts (ITRCs) and integrated resource service contracts (IRSCs). Throughout the session there will be time for questions and discussion. Our goal is to empower participants with the know-how and information to transfer knowledge and training back to their own organizations. We hope you can join the session! With your participation, this is sure to be an engaging, informative opportunity for everyone. Please feel free to forward this announcement to others who may be interested. The session will also be recorded; a video will be posted to http://www.nationalforests.org/conserve/peer/stewardship-authorities. This peer learning session is sponsored by Forest Management of the Forest Service and offered in partnership with the National Forest Foundation. |