

Member group:

Juneau Watershed Partnership


Local residents comprise the body of the Juneau Watershed Partnership. Their board of directors, staff, and advisory committee work together to identify opportunities for maintaining or improving watershed and habitat health and develop projects aimed at focusing community interest, understanding, and energy to benefit local watersheds.


Mission at the Juneau Watershed Partnership is to promote watershed integrity in the City and Borough of Juneau through education, research and communication while encouraging sustainable use and development.

Vision: Originally, the Mendenhall Watershed Partnership (MWP) was founded in 1998 by locals with concern for the environmental and economic health of the Mendenhall Watershed area. In 2006, MWP became the Juneau Watershed Partnership (JWP), expanding their geographic scope to include all watersheds located in the City and Borough of Juneau. Still placing a high value on the waterways in the Mendenhall Valley, they believe that opportunities for watershed stewardship exist throughout their community.

The JWP’s projects include stream cleanup events, community field trips, and local environmental education activities. JWP collaborates with other organizations and agencies to monitor water quality and general stream health, to prevent the decline of healthy streams and to restore the health of impaired waterbodies. They also bring local agencies and stakeholders together to build understanding and make informed decisions to maintain habitat integrity and water quality in Juneau’s watersheds.

JWP is a volunteer-based organization; their success is based on the expertise, creativity, and generosity of Juneau residents.  The partnership depends on involvement of their community. Please join them in working together for healthy watersheds.



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