In partnership with the Juneau Watershed Partnership (JWP), the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition seeks an Environmental Science Intern to carry out the collection of water quality monitoring data on the Duck Creek Watershed in Juneau:

The JWP in partnership with the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition (SAWC) and the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) will collect data to determine the effectiveness of the Nancy Street wetland in improving water quality conditions on Duck Creek. Since 1994, Duck Creek was listed on the state’s Impaired Waters List for non-attainment of dissolved oxygen (DO), residues/debris, metals (specifically iron), fecal coliform bacteria, and turbidity standards. The Nancy Street wetland is one of many restoration projects completed on Duck Creek to improve water quality, but there has been little to no water quality monitoring to track the success of this and other restoration efforts. This project will compare data collected by UAS on Duck Creek prior to the establishment of the Nancy Street wetland with data obtained during the project.

For more information on this position and the project it supports please see position description below and visit:



Application Deadline March 1, 2017

Please email the required application information by the deadline to:

Amy Sumner, JWP Project Coordinator
