This year SAWC and the Juneau Watershed Partnership received support from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s Alaska Clean Water Actions program to construct a fence and rain garden that will treat urban stormwater runoff before it enters Jordan Creek in Juneau.
We’re looking for volunteers in Juneau to help us construct the fence and rain garden September 25-27!
Interested volunteers should meet at a picnic table in the group of trees in front of the Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska building at 10 AM Friday September 25. Unless contacted otherwise, plan to meet at the same location and time on Saturday and Sunday. Unless otherwise notified, plan to meet at the same location and time on Saturday and Sunday.
Volunteers should bring gloves, and a shovel if available.
If you can help with this project, please contact:
Big thanks to the Juneau Chapter of Trout Unlimited for helping us to recruit project volunteers!

Volunteers help build a rain garden in Skagway