Chiska Derr, Catherine Pohl, and Richard Chapell discuss a tidal wetland in Haines; WESPAK training September 2012
This is an early “heads-up” announcement about the free WESPAK wetland methodology three day training workshop with Dr. Paul Adamus, September 23-25, 2013 in Juneau. Location and times to be announced.
The workshop has a maximum of 25 participants. Participants will be chosen to promote a maximum diversity of agency, organization, and consultation participation, and therefore may not be able to accommodate all applicants. We are not accepting class registration at this time.
More information should become available in the next three weeks.
Questions or comments please contact:
Teri Camery, Senior Planner
City and Borough of Juneau
Community Development Department
(907) 586-0755 phone; (907) 586-3365 fax