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SEAKFHP hopes this site helps to share all that the organization is and hopes to be as well as keeps you informed on upcoming events and SEAKFHP activities. In addition this site has been developed to share regional information and specific SEAKFHP services such as sharing regional science and data resources, updates and links for funding opportunities and connecting regional efforts to the National Fish Habitat Action Plan.


With the website up and going SEAKFHP is ready to outreach to new partners and encourage additional regional natural resource practitioner’s and interested stakeholders to join in on efforts to facilitate collaborative regional fish habitat conservation efforts in Southeast Alaska.  Please let the organization know if you or (your organization) have an interest in becoming a SEAKFHP Partner – a link to their Partner Form can be found on the web site at:


New activities underway include convening the Science and Data Committee and developing regional conservation strategies and key priority actions to include in their strategic plan.


If you have an interest in becoming involved please email SEAKFHP Coordinator, Debbie Hart: