Hydaburg Cooperative Association has implemented a Salmon Stream Habitat Assessment program to assess anadromous stream habitat to properly classify stream systems and to nominate any assessed streams that qualify under state criteria as “fish habitat” for cataloging.
Partnering with the Sustainable Salmon Fund, The Nature Conservancy, Kai Environmental, and the State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Hydaburg Cooperative Association is working to assess anadromous stream habitat to ensure that everything is accurately classified in order to maximize the amount of protection available for habitat in areas of concern facing growing development. The information collected provides baseline data on fish habitat in the stream systems identified.
The stream assessments collect data on salmon habitat, how far up the watersheds salmon are present and map out the watershed systems using GPS, noting special attention items such as beaver dams, or fresh blow down trees.
There are currently 5 staff working on this assessment program, which benefits the fish stocks within the Hydaburg area’s stream systems as well as State and Federal Fish and Wildlife programs, permitting agencies, and local commercial and subsistence users.
For more information on this project, please contact: Charles Peele, TNC Stewardship Conservation Planner Hydaburg Cooperative Association charles.peele@gmail.com If you would like SAWC to promote your community based project or program, please contact Angie Eldred SAWC Communications Coordinator angie@alaskawatershedcoalition.org (907) 766-3745 (616) 481-2101 (c)