Promoting Outdoor Recreation in Alaska is HUGE for the ECONOMY!!

Outdoor Recreation is BIG Business

These days, many sectors of the economy are under harsh scruenty from different sides of the ideological arugement. Weather it be health insurance, natrual resource extraction, renewable energy, the industrial food system – very rarely can we all agree that what drives are economy is good for all of us…

However, there is a silent giant amongst us that the majority of us in Southeast Alaska can get behind and promote without hesitation. The outdoor recreation economy grew approximately 5% annually between 2005-2011- this during an economic recession when many of the traditional sectors contracted.

Take a look at this report recently released by the Outdoor Industry Association:

[button url=”” color=”aqua” width=”full” ]The Outdoor Recreation Economy[/button]


Does your community have an outdoor recreation opportunity it would like to promote? Join the coalition in building Big Business in Southeast Alaska. Contact Us with your outdoor recreation economic opportunity and we will advertise it on our website!!!





Does your community have an outdoor recreation opportunity it would like to promote? Join the coalition in building Big Business in Southeast Alaska. Contact Us with your outdoor recreation economic opportunity and we will advertise it on our website!!!