Community Stewardship

All watershed councils in Southeast Alaska have, enhancing community stewardship as a central focus in their programs and initiatives. Stewardship is a word that refers to the actions and behaviors of individual, communities, governments, businesses, and industries that protect and enhance- rather than compromise- the ability of present and future generations to meet their own needs. This requires all of us to be aware of how we impact our environments and to take responsibility and accountability for the day to day choices we make that protect and promote the integrity of these ecosystems and/or ones that jeopardize the health and productivity of this communal resource.

A collective shift in consciousness…

The recognition of the connection between environmental quality and quality of life starts with an awareness about how our actions are impacting the ecosystem services and natural resources that we rely upon.

Watershed councils provide opportunities for you and your community to be active participants in deepening your understanding of this connection and exploring creative and innovative ways to be stewards of your watersheds…