As the community of Wrangell continues to grow and develop, the City and Borough of Wrangell and its residents have sought to identify and prioritize local aquatic resources to better plan for future land development and strategize potential restoration-based mitigation opportunities. In an effort to support the informed management of Wrangell’s watersheds and aquatic resources, the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition (SAWC) has undertaken the Wrangell Area Watersheds Assessment.

The purpose of the Wrangell Area Watersheds Assessment was to compile a dataset and report outlining key aquatic resources within the City and Borough of Wrangell, including an assessment of the current habitat condition of key aquatic resources, identification of sites that could benefit from restoration treatment, and outlining watershed management challenges and opportunities.

The community of Wrangell and its surrounding area are directly connected to and impacted by the health of its watershed resources. Maritime industry, local public health, and subsistence lifestyles are all directly tied to the natural resources of this area. The proper management and conservation of these resources will bolster the health of Wrangell’s community, economy, and public health for generations to come.

This assessment and report focuses primarily on watersheds within the boundary of City and Borough Lands, with some data collected on relevant resources on nearby State and Federal lands on Wrangell Island. Fieldwork was conducted over the summer and fall of 2018. This report offers a preliminary overview on the habitat condition of identified resources as well as recommendations for best management practices, stewardship, mitigation, restoration, and conservation opportunities to benefit local watershed resources.

This project was carried out with financial and technical support from the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Coastal Program, in partnership with the Wrangell Cooperative Association, and the US Forest Service, and with financial support from the Charlotte Martin Foundation.

SAWC is greatly appreciative to all of the funders, partners, and stakeholders, and that helped to make this project possible.

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