In Lieu Fee Program Prospectus- we want your feedback

In Lieu Fee Program Prospectus- we want your feedback

Community Watershed Stewardship, Resources
The Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition Mitigation Fund Currently there are two ILF programs that services Southeast Alaska: The Southeast Alaska Land Trust and the Great Alaska Land Trust. Both of these third party mitigation program offer only preservation opportunities to Section 404 permit applicants. There are no active and approved third party mitigation programs (mitigation banks and/or In lieu Fee Programs) that carryout restoration, enhancement and/or creation to offset unavoidable permitted impacts to aquatic resources in Southeast Alaska. Currently SAWC is engaged in a process with the Army Corps of Engineers to develop an In Lieu Fee program that will provide permit applicants with restoration, enhancement and/or creation opportunities to fullfill their permit requirements. [button url="" color="blue" width="full" ]The Prospectus in PDF[/button] [button url="" color="green" width="full" ]Access Alaska District Army Corps Public…
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Alaska Wetland Information

Alaska Wetland Information

The State of Alaska includes approximately 63% of the nation's wetland ecosystems (Hall et al. 1994). Estimates place the total acreage at approximately 130 million acres or about one-third of the State. Wetlands help maintain water quality by slowly filtering excess nutrients, sediments, and pollutants before water seeps into rivers, streams, and underground aquifers. They also offer a breeding ground and/or habitat for fish, wildlife, and plants. Wetlands are areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include tundra, permafrost areas, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.[gallery link="file" columns="4"]
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Introduction to the WESPAK-SE in Haines AK

Introduction to the WESPAK-SE in Haines AK

Wetland Ecosystm Service Protocal for Southeast Alaska On Friday May 18th, 2012 SAWC partnered with Dr.Paul Adamus to provide a intorductiory level class to the Haines Community of the WESPAK-SE. Thank you to the class participants and the Haines Public Library!! [styledbox type="information" ]WESPAK-SE Full Training Presentation[/styledbox] The WESPAK-SE is a science-based field method for rapidly assessing tidal and non-tidal wetlands in Southeast Alaksa. This tool can be used by natural resource managers, developers, industry, landowners, municipalities, tribes, and environmental consultants to understand better which wetlands are most valuable to our communities and most important to watershed processes. Natural resource managers and professional who understand WESPAK-SE and how to use it in the field are better equipped to assess wetland functions and values and therefore better able to support  the…
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