Sustainable Southeast Peer Network Annual Meeting





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What it’s all about:

Hosted by The Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition & The People Place Program, in partnership with Alaska Conservation Foundation

Join fellow community-based practitioners from 10 Southeast communities for a two-day Annual Meeting to discuss common opportunities, challenges, tools, and needs, and learn how to utilize the strengths of this network to support your work in your home community.


The 2013 Sustainable Southeast Network’s Annual Meeting will provide community-based practitioners and leaders with an opportunity to:

  • Share information, tools and methods, and to prioritize the resources and support needed to advance their natural resource management and sustainable development work.


  • Identify the most critical local resource/information gaps/needs the Sustainable Southeast Network (SSN) could support and develop action plans to do so.


  • Leave the meeting feeling like a Team—empowered, invigorated, and ready to collaborate with Network and other colleagues— to accomplish sustainable development and natural resource priorities in your communities and across Southeast Alaska.
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The venue:

Eagle River United Methodist Camp – Juneau, AK

27500 Glacier Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801

Telephone: (907) 789-3734

Lodging and meals provided for the two-day event

Transportation available to and from Juneau airport/ferry terminal


Please plan to arrive in Juneau before 8:00 am  on Thursday, November 7

-Lodging and transport to the camp available for guests arriving in Juneau Wednesday November 6, and for those departing Saturday November 10



What to bring:

Our meeting venue (Eagle River Methodist Camp) is a rustic setting, with no internet or cell service. We have reserved cabins for lodging at the camp. Meals will be provided for you during your stay. There is a bathhouse with showers at the camp.
What to bring:
Sleeping bag/bedding, pillow. The sleeping cabins are heated, and the facility provides sleeping mats. Each cabin also has a full kitchen. 
Towel and toiletries. The bathhouse is up and running, but the facility does not provide towels, soap, etc.
Peer learning story to share, see below.

Peer Learning Session:

Session 2 of the meeting will focus on stories and peer learning. Each participant will have 5-10 minutes to give a snapshot of current work in your community. Please give thought to this prior to the meeting:
Please choose a project/program and/or systemic challenge/obstacle that you are addressing in your community and that you feel is applicable in other communities throughout SE Alaska.

If you are sharing a project/program:

  • Identify the project and why it is significant in your community
  • Identify the capacities (funding, staff, training, infrastructure, etc.) most important to completing the project
  • If you utilized network members or services in completing your project, explain how you did so
  • Explain how this project could be shared throughout a network like this

If you are sharing a challenge/obstacle:

  • Identify the challenge/obstacle and why it is significant in your community
  • Explain how this challenge/obstacle could be addressed and overcome through the network
  • Identify the capacities (funding, staff, training, infrastructure, etc.) you need to overcome the challenge


It will be challenging to keep within the time allotted, so please think about this ahead of time and prepare some notes. Feel free to bring a handout if you wish.


The agenda:


Download the meeting agenda!





In partnership with:
