Collaborative Problem Solving Principles and Techniques: A Partnership Network Peer Learning Session




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The National Forest Foundation offers this upcoming peer learning session on collaborative problem solving, featuring experts from the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution (USIECR). This session will cover the basic principles of Interest Based Negotiation and process design for collaborative problem solving.  Also, the presenters will review some specific tools and techniques for collaboration and public engagement such as the use of situation assessments and operating protocols.  These concepts will be presented in the context of forest management and specifically, Forest Management Plan revision.  However, these concepts apply to any public policy decision making process, so the session should have broad appeal to anyone interesting in learning more about – or refreshing their knowledge of – collaboration.

Presenters will include:

  • Caelan McGee, Senior Program Manager and Facilitator with the USIECR,who is currently working with the Forest Service at the national level and with Early Adopter forests in the implementation of the planning rule
  • Kimberly Caringer, Senior Program Associate with the USIECR, who worked closely with the Forest Service as the agency planned how to engage stakeholders in the development of the new Planning Rule.  She has also worked with specific forests on travel management, and with initiatives such as the Sierra Cascades Dialogue.


Please note that this session starts at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on Wednesday, June 12th, 2013.  This is one of a series of peer learning sessions for the Partnership Network, sponsored by the National Partnership Office and offered in cooperation with the National Forest Foundation.