Hydaburg Cooperative Association has partnered with the Office of Subsistence Management, AK Department of Fish and Game, the US Forest Service, and Kai Environmental to develop the Hetta Lake Sockeye Stock Assessment project.



The goal of this project is to increase the number of returning adult sockeye salmon to the Hetta Lake stream system. This assessment program is also used to enhance local management of fisheries resources by gathering the harvest information of local subsistence users and accurately reporting harvest data to the State and Federal departments of Fish and Game. This data provides an estimate of the total return of sockeye to the Hetta Lake stream system, which is the primary stream used for subsistence by Hydaburg residents.


This sockeye stock assessment project has been implemented to assess whether or not the Hetta Lake stream system can continue to sustain current levels of subsistence harvest for current and future generations. The ultimate goal of the assessment is to ensure an adequate escapement that will in turn result in an increased population of spawning salmon, providing a sustainable stock for harvest.


Crew shuttling assessment gear

This project benefits both the Hetta Lake stream system’s salmon population and the residents of Hydaburg who rely on this resources as a staple of their subsistence, as well as state and federal fisheries managers who use the data collected with this research project.


Crew stationed at temporary living quarters along stream

Currently working on the project are 7 staff, as well as a community of volunteers who provide voluntary surveys of salmon harvest through a limited harvest window, and through assistance provided to work crews.


For more information on this project, please contact:
Charles Peele, TNC Stewardship Conservation Planner
Hydaburg Cooperative Association



If you would like SAWC to promote your community based project or program, please contact
Angie Eldred
SAWC Communications Coordinator
(907) 766-3745
(616) 481-2101 (c)