2014 Pat Moore Memorial Game Fish Derby Results

Thank you to everyone who helped make the 2014 Pat Moore Memorial Game Fish Derby a success! Thank you so much to the Haines Sportsman Association for allowing us to borrow their derby scale. Our sponsors include the Red Onion, Municipality of Skagway, Petro Marine, the Eagles, SMART Bus, AP&T, Reflections, Frontier Excursions, Packer Expeditions, White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad, Richter’s Jewelry and Curio, Alaska Liquor Store, Fairway Market, Skagway Fishing Charters, Fat Salmon Charters, Skagway Brewing Company, Wings of Alaska, Haines Brewing Company, Baked Cafe (Whitehorse), Kal Tire, Yukon Brewing Company, The Rock Shop, Radio Shack, Skagway Hardware Store, Nature Creations, and the Yukon Suspension Bridge. Also big thanks to all the volunteers ( Mark Larsen, Franklin Lopez, Tom Thompson, Anna Barton, Kellee Gahan, Holly Bracher, Brook Cinocco, Tabitha McGillivray, Brian Studiale, and Kaitlyn). Another big thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary for their continued support of our derby banquet with side salads!

Here are the results:

1st Cheryl Olson 27.30

2nd Whitney Fairbanks 26.10

3rd Tim Fairbanks 25.60

4th Trevor Harding 25.50

5th Austin Bricker 24.75

6th Anna Korsmo 22.95

7th Colten Jared 22.05

8th Danny Moore 21.90

9th Ryan Redington 21.90

10th Tom Dale 19.50

11th John Tronrun 18.10

12th Ryan Edwards 17.00

Local’s Prize Tim Fairbanks (largest king caught by a local)

Yukoner’s Prize Cheryl Olson

Summer Worker’s Prize Colten Jared

Senior’s Prize Carl Hoover

Highest Total Pounds of King Whitney Fairbanks 71.45

Team Prize Sad Fish 97.05

Smallest Legal King Rayme Eatough 8.95

Shore Prize Danny Moore 21.90

Largest Feeder Ryan Edwards 17.00

First King Thursday Whitney Fairbanks

First King Friday Ryan Mandeville

First King Saturday Mary Butler

First King Sunday Tim Fairbanks

Largest Pink Ryan Edwards 3.90

Largest King Women’s Cheryl Olson 27.30

Women’s Highest Total Pounds of King Whitney Fairbanks 71.45

Largest King Youth Austin Bricker 24.75

First King Brought in by a Girl No one

First King Brought in by a Boy Ryan Edwards

Largest Dolly Ryan Edwards 2.10

Youngest to Enter a Fish Nicholas Barba, Age 8.5



RyanEdwards_Skagway RyanMandeville_Skagway WhitneyFairbanks_Washington

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